Sunday, January 4, 2009

Developing Self Confidence

Developing Self-Confidence

People often doubt their ability to do their work. They wonder if others like them. They feel inferior and not wanted. But faith in oneself can be recovered. Just remind yourself of three things:
1. Your lack of faith in yourself and feeling inferior may go back to causes of childhood, when you compared yourself with somebody else. If you can trace the cause back, look at it and leave. If you cannot trace it back to any one situation, leave it and go on to the next things.
2. You are Unique. We are told that no two people in the world too have same finger prints. This is an instance of what is true in many respects. There is not and never been any one else like you. That means that none can make the same contribution in the same way like you.
3. You matter to people. We all matter to someone. We can think of family and friends and acquaintances to whom we matter. This is the basis on which we can build our faith. We are building our faith not on some imagination but upon solid fact.
Now you have got to realize your potentialities. First get a definite aim of your life. Work out a pattern for its fulfillment. And picture yourself succeeding at it. You can be what you determine to be.

v There Is Nothing You Cannot Do If You Are Determined And Persist.
v We Can Do All Things Through God Who Strengthens Us.

Anger Is Harmful To You

one of the serious problems all of us face is the problem of anger. The external problems in our life come and go and they are generally temporary. But anger is an internal problem which seems to be with us all the time until death.
Anger is a serious problem because negative consequences are many. Both the angry person and the victim of anger suffer pain which lingers for a long time. Because of this we are immobilised and unable to function for a long time.
It takes a lot time to strike a relationship or friendship and all this can be destroyed by a moment of anger. Once relationship is broken it is almost impossible to build up the thread again.
In anger we always do and speak without discrimination or thoughtfulness Not only anger disturbs the peaceful atmosphere but it also obstructs the spiritual growth of an individual. If we have to tackle anger, first we have to acknowledge this problem and accept our weakness. Anger is a sign of weakness.
Unfortunately most of the time we justify our anger by putting the blame of others, their behavior, irritating thought etc. When we are justifying our weakness we are closing the door for improvement. If we admit our weakness we can gradually strengthen the mind by the power of Auto Suggestion. You look at yourself as a strong person who can face any situation, irritation without being disturbed.
Do not allow yourself to be irritated by situation, to be provoked by people. You have not control over people’s behavior. But you can choose to be calm.

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